
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Twitter as a Key Part of Your PLN

I'm a guest blogger last month and this month at Christian Schools International's Nurturing Faith blog. Always great stuff there for Christian teachers to read and reflect on !

Anyway, my two-part piece was on getting teachers to use Twitter as a part of their personal learning network (PLN.) Many teachers are, of course, already doing this. But few of the teachers with whom I have regular contact (outside of Twitter!) are using Twitter in this way. I would like to see more folks benefit the way I have from following interesting people and developing a PLN to whom they can turn for ideas and conversation.

If you're interested in reading the piece I wrote about this, I'd love to hear your feedback. Part 1 explains the idea of a PLN, and how Twitter works (intended for a novice audience.) Part 2 gets into some more specific ideas about how to use Twitter as a PLN, and proposes a new hashtag: #ChrEd.

I'm hoping to get more colleagues in Christian Education sharing ideas and thoughts via Twitter this way, and I've already been talking with a friend and fellow Twitter-fan about setting up a regular chat using the #ChrEd hashtag. If you're on Twitter already, and interested in Christian Education, join the conversation there!

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