
Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to Twitter: A Visual Guide for Beginners

I've been talking a lot lately about Twitter and how great I think it is for professional development for educators. Last week I was presenting an EdTech workshop at a school in the area, and I mentioned Twitter as a resource. I had several folks there ask me some questions afterward, and they seemed excited to get started. I hope they find it as valuable as I have!

The thing is, it can be a little intimidating to get started with a social network that way. And even if you're fairly comfortable with Facebook, Twitter just isn't the same sort of thing. (But it can be a key part of your personal learning network, teachers...) 

I came across this great infographic from @edudemic earlier today; thanks to my Twitterfriend @ptaylorsjr for sharing it. If you're interested in getting started on Twitter, this might be a useful encouragement...

A cropped screengrab from
Click for the full infographic!

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