
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Feedback and Grading

I came across this great graphic from Educational Leadership while browsing on Zite the other day.

It was a good, if challenging, find in light of where I am in the semester. Here at the end of the semester I find I am so focused on exams and marking and assigning grades that I don't always think about feedback as much as I might at other times in the semester.

So I'm thinking again about my students' learning. What am I most interested in? That they can check everything off as "completed" on a list of tasks? That they have submitted all of their assignments? That they score at least 80% on their final exams? Or that they really learn the material?

If I want them to really learn, I think it has to be more about feedback than about "grading." The takeaways below challenged me to think again about the role of feedback. 

It's not all about the grade. It's all about the learning.

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