
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Calm My Soul



<I got this.>



<Really, I got this.>

<I can do this...>



<I am struggling...>


<I don't got this!>


I had this thought progression several times this week. Not sure exactly why. Just felt overwhelmed several times, by different things.

I've spent this afternoon striving at getting caught up with my homework. I also have a couple of batches of papers in need of marking for a couple of classes. And my inbox is filling up, and I can't seem to ever get it emptied--just more things keep pouring in. And I'm still not done with my homework.

My soul is restless.

Maybe you can relate?

I've had music on in the background as I've been working today, and I just put this one on repeat. It's by one of my favorite bands, Paper Route. It captures my anxiety and lets me give it voice somehow and helps me feel better too, all at the same time.

If you're feeling stressed and burdened, maybe the cry of faith in this song is part of what you are in need of too.

"Calm My Soul" by Paper Route


  1. Ditto, ditto, ditto!
    I think it's this time of year! There's so much I want to do right now and have to do, but it seems I just can't find the time. Struggling to feel like I can get it all accomplished by the deadlines!
    Have you heard the song Better Love by Green River Ordinance? It's one of my go to songs! You'd enjoy it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the affirmation, my friend! Good to know it's mot just me.

      Oh, that's a great song! I love Green River Ordinance too. Hope this finds you well, and able to keep up!
