
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Running on Empty

My lack of writing over the past couple of weeks tells at least part of the story: it's been hectic.

Two weeks ago I was at a conference, which was a fantastic opportunity for professional development and networking with colleagues. But there is preparation for being away from campus for several days. My students know, "Mulder never cancels class!--if I'm away, we meet online instead, or they have workdays for ongoing projects. And then there is the catching up once I'm back. (Email has become the bane of my existence.) As it happened, all of my classes had some sort of project or test scheduled for that same week as well. And of course, along with this pile of marking, it was also advising season, which means lots of extra meetings with advisees. I truly enjoy the work of advising students, but it's busy, and every situation is unique, which means individual planning, preparation, and problem-solving. And, in the midst of all of this, my dear aunt passed away, and so I was off and away for several days for a funeral, including hurried plans for online class meetings for the time I'd be away.

It's been hectic.

I'm tired.

Exhausted, really.

I'm running on empty.

But this morning, in passing, one of my colleagues stopped in my office door and said, "Psalm 71. Go read it."

So I did.

And this, this was a God-send for me. A startling, necessary reminder of who I am, and who God is, and how I can trust Him. Verse 14 particularly hit me today:

But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.

I needed this reminder. I can always hope in Him. And because of this, I will always praise Him, and actually increase in praising Him. Makes me think of that old gospel song, "He's Never Failed Me Yet," which includes these lovely lines...

I will sing of God's mercy 
Every day, every hour 
He gives me power

I will sing and give thanks to Thee 
For all the dangers, toils and snares 
That He has brought me out

He is my God and I'll serve Him 
No matter what the test 
Trust and never doubt 
Jesus will surely bring you out 
He never failed me yet!

What a testimony: no matter how rough things are, God is for us, not against us!

If you too are running on empty, I encourage you to read this Psalm too. I hope it will fill up your tank in the same way it filled up mine today.


  1. This is how I feel right now as well. The school I teach at is on an island that was devastated by one of the strongest super typhoons to ever hit the islands. It happened about 3 weeks ago and we're still without power but have running water again. The process of cleaning up as quickly as possible so that we could return to school and provide a safe place for our students to come to to get away from all of the destruction out there has been exhausting. Thanks for sharing this, I will have to take a look at this verse in my reflections today.
