The eminent developmental psychologist Jean Piaget has had a tremendous impact on teaching and learning over the past 50+ years and wrote prolifically about child development.
I recently came across this quote from his book
Science of Education and the Psychology of the Child:
"Education means making creators...You have to make inventors, innovators--not conformists."
This got me thinking again about creativity and it's role in learning. And while I don't have a lot of answers, I have a lot of questions...
Jean Piaget Public domain image via Cbl62
What would school look like if we tried to foster creativity?
What would school look like if we gave students room to invent?
What would school look like if we prized innovation over conformity?
What would school look like if we made deliberate physical and mental spaces for students to play with ideas and create contraptions and solve authentic problems?
Would students be more engaged? Would
teachers be more engaged?
What structures would have to change? What policies might have to be modified?
How would we assess teaching and learning in this sort of environment?
How do content standards fit into this approach?
What would we be giving up by incorporating more innovation? What would we gain?
Are there places already creating innovative spaces like these? And if so, what are the results? What is working well? What should be modified? Can this approach be transplanted into other schools? Or is it organically situated and contextualized?
So much of contemporary school culture seems bent on conformity. If we made innovation and creativity the norm...would that be trying make everyone conform to innovation?